The flame mahogany-veneered pine case consists of two parts. The obelisk-shaped top has firegilt brass ball feet and is placed on a moulded base with firegilt brass block feet. The silvered brass register plates of the barometer are let in flush with the case and surrounded by a brass frame. The scale is in duodecimally divided Pariasian inches. The barometer tube is hidden in the case and can be accessed by unscrewing two panels at the back. The glass reservoir is in the base. The instrument also incorporates a thermometer part. The alcohol thermometer has scales in degrees Celsius ('Centigrade') and Réaumur. The spiral reservoir is set in a richly shaped firegilt brass bracket. The followingdata are engraved into the thermometer register plate, indicated in degrees Réaumur: 'Equinoxiale' (+70°), 'Tropique' (+60°), 'Ch.eur de Syrie' (+50°), 'Ch.eur en Espagne' (+45°), 'Ch.eur au Sénégal' (+38°), 'Ch.eur du sang' (+33°), 'Essain d'abeille' (+28°), 'Bains' (+26°), 'Vers a soie' (+19°), 'Ch. bre des malades' (+17°), 'Serres' (+15°), 'Ch. eur des Appart.ts' (+12°),'Tempéré' (+10°), 'Orangers' (+6°), 'Glace' (0°), 'Riviere Gélées' (-6°) and 'Rheims 1830' (-15°). The plate is attached to the case by six nails of which the brass heads are visible.
Note: It is quite likely that the making of this barometer with its obelisk shape was related to the erection of the 'Obélisk de Louxor' on the Place de la Concorde in Paris, which was an initiative of king Louis-Philippe. This took place on October 25, 1836, and was a major public event.